Had a pretty decent night. My oldest son had a performance tonight with his high school Chamber Singers group. It's a very talented group of kids, about 20 of them that sing very difficult songs but do so well. They performed at the cities performance hall.
Then after that, we went over to Donald Drive to see this house that is synced with music to their lights in the yard and on the house. It's amazing. The link is in this post, but if you can't find it, here it is again
It's so cool how they did this. I mean they really had to put a lot of thought into it and effort. I know this is something I wouldn't be able to do. Our lights and decorations are plentiful in our apartment, but kinda cheesy. However, I LOVE em!!
Christmas is definitely my favorite holiday of them all. I love buying gifts that my family will love, sending out the Christmas cards to let the rest of the family and our friends know we are thinking of them too. Putting the tree up and decorating it, and of course, the lights outside and in. Making paper snowflakes, and 3D snowmen and trees out of paper also. Going to the kids' Christmas School Concerts, and watching classic holiday shows. Like, Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer, The Grinch Stole Christmas, Scrooged, A Christmas Story, It's a Wonderful Life, White Christmas, Charlie Brown Christmas....etc...
This year will be my husband and I's first Christmas as a married couple. And his first Christmas actually spending it with my family. He's always been too nervous to come with me to my family Christmas. I am so looking forward to it this year!!!
So Have yourself, a Merry Little Christmas now........
Mrs. Bennett